Just When My Daughter Was Getting the Hang of Her Program, It Looks Like I'll Have to Bump Her Up a Level

My oldest daughter, Azalea, competed at her home skating competition yesterday and did relatively well. She finished third in beginner compulsory and beginner jumps, both solid finishes considering she was up against skaters from a pair of elite (solo-oriented) clubs.

And, while she came in 4th out of 4 in her beginner artistic program, her first performance in that category was solid and she was even given a 3rd place vote by one of the judges.

Of course, when she finished yesterday, we figured she had something to build upon as she heads into her last competition of the year (November 25th). But, as it turns out, she's actually going to have to start over a bit.

She's taking a US Figure Skating freeskate test the first weekend of November and, barring a complete screw up or an unusually strict judge, she'll likely pass it. Once she does, she's no longer considered a beginner skater and will need to skate at a higher level.

I was actually expecting this. But, I wasn't expecting it to happen until after the November competition. Fortunately, she has plenty of time to adjust and upgrade her programs before then.

The good news is her coach is perfectly comfortable with her moving up a level. She said Azalea is perfectly capable of competing one spot higher, even without being required to do so.  Since her coach has pretty much been a straight-shooter as far as my daughter's abilities go, I trust her opinion on that.

Now all I have to do is break the news to my daughter.


  1. That is great news so I hope that Azalea is going to be happy about it...trust in your coach is a big thing...if she says she's ready then I hope that Azalea will see that also & go for it...she's a great skater & I know that she can do it...good luck to her in all she does...


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