Synopsis: Kate Hibbert has a habit of disappearing for weeks at a time so, when Lochdubh's newest resident goes missing, Sergeant Hamish Macbeth isn't immediately worried, even after Kate's cousin, Diane, visits him in person to express her concerns. When Hibbert's body turns up in a lake, Macbeth discovers evidence suggesting Hibbert had been blackmailing many of the local residents. In addition to having plenty of suspects and possibly needing to arrest one of his friends, Macbeth has another issue. His nemesis, DCI Blair, has been put in charge of the case and he has a new assistant, Davey Forbes, who may be spying for Blair. Review: After being left saddened by the end of Death of a Green-eyed Monster , I was a little hesitant to read the next book in the Hamish Macbeth series, Death of a Traitor . However, mostly out of curiosity and a desire to see a happier ending, I checked it out at the library. Unfortunately, while this book ended on a higher note than the p